Lacrimas Profundere - Antiadore

A lot of bands have failed in the tricky undertaking to combine melancholy and heaviness, but not LACRIMAS PROFUNDERE, who pull it off on "Antiadore" without breaking a sweat. The band stayed true to their sombre roots on this album, but has elevated the characteristic sound to new heights.


Everything will fall apart
And you did all to break my heart
Now you're gone and I'm still here
A short embrace could stop my fear
Stop my fear
Stop my fear again

And I did everything
And I always tried
But now I have nothing more to lose
And when you listen to my cries
I hate to understand
That there is nothing more to adore

I still hope
That you will see
My whole true love inside of me
Please coma back I swear I'll wait
Your return won't be too late
Be too late
Be too late for me

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